


  1. 毒品和麻醉品
  2. 任何可以模仿毒品(如大麻、致幻剂、鸦片等)效果的产品:合成大麻二酚、甲氧胺等
  3. 用于影响检毒测试结果的产品
  4. 致幻蘑菇
  5. 各类吸毒工具,包括气化管、液体管、气化面具、大麻香烟烟嘴、烟斗、烟枪、电热管、气动管、冰管及冷却装置、可卡因提炼设备等(详见《公共健康安全和生物恐怖主义防范和应对法案》


  1. 雪茄
  2. 香烟
  3. 无烟烟草(鼻烟、咀嚼烟草)
  4. 烟丝、自卷烟烟丝
  5. 电子烟 其他为美国酒精烟草交易局规制的烟草制品


  1. 苦艾酒
  2. 含咖啡因的酒或酒精饮料
  3. 封装原酒精的装置 其他为美国酒精烟草交易局规制的酒类,需获得经营资质


  1. 自动和半自动强制(详见《美国联邦法规》第27编第447、478、479部分
  2. 空间飞行器动力装置(详见《美国联邦法规》第27编第447、478、479部分
  3. 大型烟花,如樱桃炮竹、M-80型烟花、大型重复发射迫击炮式烟花(详见《联邦有危险物质法案》
  4. 打火机(不可添续燃料、以气作为燃料、金额在2.25美元以下)
  5. 多用途点火器(烤炉、壁炉、微波火炬、燃气装置或其他产生火焰产品的点火器)
  6. 管制刀具
  7. 镭射笔



  1. 奶酪、牛奶和奶制品,包括乳酪及乳酪制品、牛奶及奶油等规制在《食品、药品和化妆品法案》《进口牛奶法案》项下的食品
  2. 水果、蔬菜、坚果,包括但不限于新鲜西红柿、鳄梨、芒果、青柠、橙、葡萄柚、青椒、爱尔兰马铃薯、黄瓜、茄子、洋葱、加工枣类、李子、核桃、榛子葡萄干、罐装橄榄等规制在《联邦食品、药品和化妆品法案》项下的食品
  3. 肉类,包括来源于牛、绵羊、猪、山羊、马等动物的肉类
  4. 禽类,包括活禽
  5. 蛋类及蛋制品,如孵化用蛋
  6. 水果、蔬菜
  7. 苗木、根茎植物
  8. 种子(详见《1939联邦种子法》
  9. 棉花、高粱
  10. 切花 (鲜花、限制)
  11. 榆树原木、带皮榆树板材
  12. 干草及稻草
  13. 木质包装材料,包括托盘、板条箱、箱子、用于支撑或支持货物的垫舱物料(进口木质包装材料加工工艺须符合美国农业部相关要求,并具国际植物保护协会认证的标志) 其他规制于《食品、药品和化妆品法案》项下的物品


  1. 处于存活状态且有害于栽培作物(包括蔬菜、农作物、灌木果树、果园、森林、庭荫树)的昆虫及其虫卵、幼体
  2. 处于包装之中的,且无害于栽培作物的昆虫及其虫卵、幼体
  3. 所有偶蹄类动物(反刍动物), 例如牛,羊,鹿,羚羊,骆驼,长颈鹿
  4. 猪,包括各品种的野猪及其这些猪类的肉
  5. 所有鸟类,包括家禽及宠物鸟
  6. 未鞣制兽皮,羊毛,毛发,骨骼,骨粉,血粉,动物肠衣,腺体,器官,萃取物,及反刍动物或者猪的分泌物等由食品及药物管理局规制的动物副产品
  7. 动物遗传物质,包精子和胚胎 其他由美国农业部动植物卫生检查处管制的动物及其制品


  1. 鹅肝
  2. 含有从鲨鱼、鲸鱼、海豚、鼠海豚身上取得成分的产品,如含有鲨鱼软骨素的关节痛保健品
  3. 含有鹿茸的产品


  1. 象牙、犀牛角等濒危野生动物及其制品(详见CITES附件1
  2. 古制物品(制成100年以上)


  1. 人用、兽用药物
  2. 生物制药(如病毒、治疗血清、毒素、抗毒素或类似物、胂凡纳明,其衍生物,或任何其他三价有机砷化合物)
  3. 巴比土酸盐、古柯叶等麻醉药品及其衍生品
  4. 病毒、治疗血清、毒素、抗毒素或类似物、胂凡纳明等生物材料与载体
  5. 二类和三类医疗器械(非流通性的二类医疗器械,如用于科研和样品除外)或其他规制于《公共健康安全和生物恐怖主义防范和应对法案》项下的本类目物品
  6. OTC类和非管制类的处方药,如感冒药、止咳药、镇痛药、助消化药、抗胃酸药、维生素类、驱虫药、滋补药、通便药、外用药、避孕药、护肤药、以及各类药贴、膏贴等
  7. 药品原材料,如香薷、罗汉果、薏苡仁、紫苏类、参类番、泻叶、菊花类、决明子、白术、大枣、木香、百合、木蝴蝶、狗脊、乌梅、银花类、土茯苓、蒲公英、麦冬、黄精、银花类、陈皮山楂、天麻、玉竹、升麻等非濒危植物成分的药材等
  8. 动物用治疗性药品,如用于动物或者宠物的治疗性药品,如动物用的抗生素药、皮肤药、外伤涂膏等治疗类药。
  9. 环境用药,如非强制毒类成分的普通家用除虫剂、驱虫剂、灭鼠药、蟑螂药等
  10. 情趣药剂、喷剂类,如各类避孕药、延时药、延时喷剂、调节雄性激素和雌性激素类药剂






  1. 铀等放射性同位素
  2. 核反应堆
  3. 用于医疗的放射物质 其他规制于美国核能管理委员会规章项下的放射性物质


  1. 用于阻挡交通监控拍照的出车牌喷雾或其他遮盖物
  2. 用于阻挡、避开排放监控的设备,如 oxygen simulators and CAT, DPF or EGR delete kits。
  3. 用于重置故障指示灯的设备
  4. 用于修改里程表的商品


  1. 用于秘密拦截通讯的设备,如窃听器、伪装的录音器等
  2. 通过黑客等手段窃取信息的设备 或其他规制于《食品、药品和化妆品法案》第五章,以及《美国联邦法规》第47篇相关篇目项下的电子类物品


  1. 伪造的美金或境外纸币、硬币
  2. 没有标明"Copy"字样的复制品,如硬币、代币、纸币、纪念章等
  3. 裸钻(需符合金伯利处理流程)


  1. 淫秽、违反道德物品
  2. 煽动暴乱或叛国行为、煽动暴力抵制法律、威胁美国境内人员生命或教唆自残行为的书籍、笔记、广告、宣传册、广告、图册
  3. 儿童色情、成人色情的出版物、图片、电影、录像、杂志、电脑游戏、其他文字或画报
  4. 使用过的或污染过的内衣裤
  5. 具有强迫劳动性质的物品(如用于生产、开采、制造部分或整体强迫劳动用具的商品)
  6. 可引起不正当竞争的物品(如知识产权侵权(337调查下)物品)
  7. 从博物馆或其他宗教或公开展览中盗窃的文化产品
  8. (除印制在加拿大)以美国为销售对象以外的其他彩票
  9. 纳粹纪念品
  10. 犯罪现场、停尸房和解剖的照片、从灾难现场或悲剧现场获得的产品


  1. 粮食谷物类,零售包装的粮食谷物类,如大米、糯米、糯米粉、稻米和米食制品,小麦及小麦粉、玉米、玉米粉等,以及粮食谷物制成品 熟制真空包装玉米及甜玉米、谷物类面包、馒头、粉条(米制粉条、红薯/马铃薯粉条、魔芋粉条)、面条等,以及其他具体干货属性的粉、泡面、螺蛳粉等

  2. 含肉、蛋类的零售包装食品,如零售包装类的各类肉干(牛肉干猪肉干等)零食、肉脯零食、肉粒辅食类、火腿肠等肠制品、卤制的鸡爪鸭爪鸭脖等

  3. 食用油类,如食用黄油、椰子油、鳄梨油、橄榄油、核桃油、亚麻籽油、菜籽油、花生油、芝麻油、大豆油、玉米油、茶籽油

  4. 各类牛奶、酸奶、饮料类 液体饮料类 柠檬茶饮料、花茶饮料、功能饮料 功能性饮料等茶饮料,椰子水、果味饮料、植物蛋白饮等果汁饮料,咖啡饮料类,气泡水/苏打水矿泉水、饮用水等水类,各类碳酸饮料类含乳饮料/豆浆 酸奶饮料/果奶饮料等,茶叶茶包类 绿茶、红茶、白茶、乌龙茶、水果茶、普洱茶、黄茶、白茶、谷物茶、茉莉花茶、玫瑰花茶、花草茶

  5. 调料酱料类,如海鲜酱、材料包、腌菜、酱类调料、香料、料理包、寿司调料、酱油酱汁生抽老抽、调味料、米醋、辣椒面、酵母粉、火锅调料、蚝油、料酒、豉油、豆豉酱、牛肉酱等调味品类

  6. 休闲食品类,各类坚果、果干果脯、蜜饯类,或燕麦/营养/消化饼干、曲奇饼干、威化饼干、苏打饼干、其他豆制品类休闲零食、豆皮类、面筋类、豆干/豆腐类、魔芋制品、素肉/面筋类、麻花、龟苓膏、吸得冻、布丁、其他果冻布丁、核桃、核桃仁、栗子、杏仁、混合坚果/坚果礼、蔬菜干/蔬果干、芒果干、杨梅干/无花果干、即食枣、虾条/虾片

  7. 保健食品类,如精氨酸、混合蛋白、鱼蛋白、大豆分离蛋白、肽类、谷氨酰、胺乳、清蛋白、支链氨基酸、褪黑素、松果体素氨基酸、骨胶原蛋白、蜂胶/蜂产品、牡蛎/贝类提取物、鱼油/深海鱼油、海狗/海豹油、珍珠粉、氨基葡萄糖、螺旋藻/藻类提取物、鲨鱼软骨素、虾青素、酵素等

  8. 宠物食品类,如各类猫粮、狗粮,各类观赏鱼/龟/鸟饲料、仓鼠饲料等



English Version:

List of Prohibited or Restricted Items in the United States

This list is compiled according to U.S. laws and regulations, detailing goods and services prohibited or restricted from being imported into the U.S. The platform reserves the right to add, remove, or modify the information on this list in accordance with U.S. laws and regulations, regulatory requirements from relevant authorities, and platform policies. However, the platform does not guarantee the completeness, timeliness, or accuracy of the list. The final authority will be U.S. laws and regulations in effect, as well as the latest announcements issued by Cainiao.


1. Drugs and Drug Paraphernalia

  1. Narcotics and controlled substances
  2. Any product that mimics the effects of drugs (e.g., cannabis, hallucinogens, opiates): synthetic cannabinoids, methoxetamine, etc.
  3. Products intended to alter drug test results
  4. Hallucinogenic mushrooms
  5. Drug paraphernalia of all kinds, including vaporizers, liquid pipes, vapor masks, marijuana cigarette holders, smoking pipes, smoking guns, electric heating tubes, pneumatic pipes, ice pipes, cooling devices, cocaine refinement equipment, etc. (Refer to the "Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act")

2. Tobacco Products

  1. Cigars
  2. Cigarettes
  3. Smokeless tobacco (snuff, chewing tobacco)
  4. Tobacco leaves, roll-your-own tobacco
  5. E-cigarettes, and other tobacco products regulated by the U.S. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau

3. Alcohol

  1. Absinthe
  2. Alcoholic beverages containing caffeine
  3. Devices used to seal raw alcohol Other alcohol products regulated by the U.S. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, requiring appropriate licensing.

4. Weapons, Ammunition, Explosives, and Flammable Materials

  1. Automatic and semi-automatic firearms (refer to Title 27 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 447, 478, and 479)
  2. Spacecraft propulsion systems (refer to Title 27 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 447, 478, and 479)
  3. Large fireworks, such as cherry bombs, M-80 fireworks, large mortar-style fireworks (refer to the Federal Hazardous Substances Act)
  4. Lighters (non-refillable, gas-fueled, valued under $2.25)
  5. Multipurpose lighters (for grills, fireplaces, microwave torches, gas appliances, or other flame-producing devices)
  6. Controlled knives
  7. Laser pointers

5. Petroleum and Petroleum Products

6. Dairy, Meat, Plants, and Their Products

  1. Cheese, milk, and dairy products, including cream, butter, and other items regulated under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and the Import Milk Act
  2. Fruits, vegetables, and nuts, including but not limited to fresh tomatoes, avocados, mangoes, limes, oranges, grapefruits, bell peppers, Irish potatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, onions, processed dates, plums, walnuts, hazelnuts, raisins, canned olives, and others regulated under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
  3. Meat from animals such as cattle, sheep, pigs, goats, horses, etc.
  4. Poultry, including live birds
  5. Eggs and egg products, such as hatching eggs
  6. Fruits and vegetables
  7. Nursery plants, root plants
  8. Seeds (refer to the Federal Seed Act of 1939)
  9. Cotton, sorghum
  10. Cut flowers (fresh flowers, restricted)
  11. Elm logs, elm lumber with bark
  12. Hay and straw
  13. Wooden packaging materials, including pallets, crates, boxes, dunnage materials used to secure or support cargo (imported wooden packaging materials must meet U.S. Department of Agriculture processing requirements and bear the International Plant Protection Convention certification mark) Other items regulated under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act

7. Insects, Animals, Live Animals, and Animal Products

  1. Live insects and their eggs or larvae that are harmful to cultivated crops (including vegetables, crops, bushes, fruit trees, orchards, forests, shade trees)
  2. Packaged insects and their eggs or larvae that are not harmful to cultivated crops
  3. All cloven-hoofed animals (ruminants), such as cattle, sheep, deer, antelope, camels, giraffes
  4. Pigs, including wild boars and meat from these pigs
  5. All birds, including poultry and pet birds
  6. Untanned hides, wool, hair, bones, bone meal, blood meal, animal casings, glands, organs, extracts, and by-products regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, including ruminant or pig secretions
  7. Animal genetic materials, including sperm and embryos Other animals and animal products regulated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

8. Animal Products Obtained Cruelly (California)

  1. Foie gras
  2. Products containing ingredients obtained from sharks, whales, dolphins, porpoises, such as joint pain supplements containing shark cartilage
  3. Products containing deer antlers

9. Wildlife and Their Products

  1. Ivory, rhino horns, and other products from endangered wildlife (refer to CITES Appendix 1)
  2. Antiquities (items over 100 years old)

10. Pharmaceuticals, Medical

  1. Human and veterinary drugs
  2. Biopharmaceuticals (such as viruses, therapeutic serums, toxins, antitoxins, arsphenamine, its derivatives, or any other trivalent organic arsenic compounds)
  3. Barbiturates, coca leaves, narcotics, and their derivatives
  4. Biological materials and vectors such as viruses, therapeutic serums, toxins, antitoxins, arsphenamine
  5. Class II and Class III medical devices (non-circulating Class II medical devices, such as those used for research and samples, are excluded) or other items regulated under the "Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act"
  6. OTC (over-the-counter) and non-regulated prescription drugs, such as cold medicines, cough suppressants, painkillers, digestive aids, antacids, vitamins, dewormers, tonics, laxatives, topical medications, contraceptives, skincare medications, and various medical patches, plasters, etc.
  7. Pharmaceutical raw materials, such as aromatic plants, Luo Han Guo, coix seed, perilla, ginseng, senna leaf, chrysanthemum, cassia seed, atractylodes, red dates, fragrant wood, lily bulbs, butterfly wood, dog spine, smoked plum, honeysuckle, thunberg fritillary, dandelion, Ophiopogon japonicus, polygonatum, jasmine flowers, hawthorn, Gastrodia elata, Polygonatum odoratum, Cimicifuga, and other non-endangered plant ingredients used in medicine
  8. Veterinary therapeutic drugs, such as antibiotics for animals, skin treatments, topical ointments, etc.
  9. Environmental medications, such as common household pesticides, insect repellents, rodenticides, roach killers that do not contain controlled toxic ingredients
  10. Sexual enhancement medications, sprays, such as various contraceptives, delay medications, delay sprays, male and female hormone-regulating medications

11. Toxic Substances

Pesticides, asbestos, and other corrosive, erosive, and hazardous substances regulated under the relevant chapters of the "Federal Hazardous Substances Act" and the "Corrosive Poisons Act"

12. Air Protection

Chlorofluorocarbons, methyl chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, halon (dry chemical extinguishers), methyl bromide refrigerants, and other substances harmful to the ozone layer

13. Radioactive Materials

  1. Uranium and other radioactive isotopes
  2. Nuclear reactors
  3. Radioactive substances for medical use Other radioactive materials regulated by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
  1. License plate spray or other devices used to block traffic monitoring cameras
  2. Devices used to block or bypass emission controls, such as oxygen simulators, and CAT, DPF, or EGR delete kits
  3. Devices used to reset malfunction indicator lights
  4. Products used to alter odometers

15. Electronics, Communication

  1. Devices used for secretly intercepting communications, such as wiretaps, disguised recorders, etc.
  2. Devices used to steal information through hacking or other illegal means or other electronic items regulated under Chapter 5 of the "Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act" and related sections of Title 47 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations

16. Currency

  1. Counterfeit U.S. or foreign paper currency and coins
  2. Copies of currency, tokens, coins, commemorative medals, etc., without the word "Copy"
  3. Uncut diamonds (must comply with the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme)

17. Cultural Items

  1. Obscene or immoral items
  2. Books, notes, advertisements, brochures, promotional materials, pictures, or other items inciting rebellion, sedition, violence against U.S. law, or advocating self-harm
  3. Child pornography, adult pornography in publications, images, films, videos, magazines, computer games, or other written or visual formats
  4. Used or soiled undergarments
  5. Items produced with forced labor (such as goods partially or fully produced using forced labor tools)
  6. Items that may cause unfair competition (such as items infringing intellectual property rights subject to Section 337 investigations)
  7. Cultural items stolen from museums or other religious or public exhibitions
  8. Lotteries aimed at U.S. residents (except those printed in Canada)
  9. Nazi memorabilia
  10. Photos from crime scenes, morgues, or autopsies, and products sourced from disaster or tragedy sites

18. Food Items

  1. Grains and cereals in retail packaging, such as rice, glutinous rice, rice flour, rice-based products, wheat, wheat flour, corn, corn flour, and processed grain products like cooked vacuum-packed corn, sweet corn, grain-based bread, steamed buns, rice noodles (made from rice, sweet potato/potato flour, or konjac flour), noodles, and other dry products like flour, instant noodles, and river snail noodles.
  2. Retail-packaged meat and egg-based foods, such as various meat jerkies (beef jerky, pork jerky), meat snacks, diced meat supplements, ham sausages, marinated chicken feet, duck feet, duck necks, etc.
  3. Edible oils, such as butter, coconut oil, avocado oil, olive oil, walnut oil, flaxseed oil, canola oil, peanut oil, sesame oil, soybean oil, corn oil, camellia oil.
  4. Various types of milk, yogurt, and beverages, including lemon tea, herbal teas, functional drinks, coconut water, fruit-flavored drinks, plant-based protein drinks, fruit juices, coffee beverages, carbonated water/soda water, mineral water, drinking water, carbonated beverages, dairy drinks/soy milk, yogurt drinks/fruit milk drinks, and tea leaves/tea bags, including green tea, black tea, white tea, oolong tea, fruit tea, Pu'er tea, yellow tea, white tea, grain tea, jasmine tea, rose tea, and herbal teas.
  5. Sauces and condiments, including seafood sauce, seasoning packets, pickles, sauces, spices, cooking packets, sushi seasonings, soy sauces, vinegars, chili powder, yeast, hot pot seasoning, oyster sauce, cooking wine, fermented bean sauce, beef sauce, and other condiments.
  6. Snack foods, including various nuts, dried fruits, preserved fruits, or oatmeal/nutrition/digestive biscuits, cookies, wafers, soda crackers, other soy-based snacks, tofu skins, gluten-based snacks, dried tofu/tofu products, konjac-based products, vegetarian meat/gluten-based snacks, twisted pastries, turtle jelly, jelly, pudding, other fruit-based puddings, walnuts, walnut kernels, chestnuts, almonds, mixed nuts/nut gift sets, vegetable chips, dried fruits, dried mangoes, dried bayberries/dried figs, ready-to-eat dates, shrimp chips/shrimp crackers.
  7. Health supplements, including arginine, mixed proteins, fish protein, soy isolate protein, peptides, glutamine, albumin, branched-chain amino acids, melatonin, pineal gland extract, amino acids, collagen, propolis/bee products, oyster/shellfish extracts, fish oil/deep-sea fish oil, sea lion/seal oil, pearl powder, glucosamine, spirulina/algae extracts, shark cartilage, astaxanthin, enzymes, etc.
  8. Pet food, including various cat foods, dog foods, feed for ornamental fish/turtles/birds, and hamster feed.